Water governance. The future is here!
Title of the video: Dutch Water Authorities, working on good water governance
The logo of Dutch Water Authorities
The sub title: Below sea level
Voice-over: “Without proper water management 60% of the Netherlands will be flooded. Some areas of the Netherlands are 6 meters below sea level. It goes without saying, that good water management is essential. Dutch Water Authorities is responsible for flood protection, regional water management and treatment of urban wastewater.”
The sub title: The safest delta in the world
Voice-over: “The United Nations reported that the Netherlands is potentially the most dangerous place in Europe to live. The country faced some serious floods in the past and it faces ongoing struggles. But through centuries of good water management the Dutch actually live in the safest Delta in the world. The OECD qualified Dutch water management has a global reference. Gouda is a city that lies six metres below sea level due to the committed activities of Dutch water authorities people can still live here carefree.“
The sub title: Work in Progress
Voice-over: “But the work is never done and Dutch Water Authorities continues learning. With the recent challenges of climate change water management is more necessary than ever before and Dutch Water Authorities is seeking creative solutions worldwide.”
The text: 18.000 km of flood defenses
The text: 235.000 km of watercourses
The text: Purify two billion cubic meters of wastewater
The text: 3.700+ pumping stations
The text: In a country the size of the U.S. state of Virginia
Voice-over: “Water management involves much more than building dikes and windmills. The work also entails water level management, water quality management, temporary water storage dredging and wastewater treatment.”
The sub title: Knowledge & expertise
Voice-over: “The unique selling points of Dutch Water Authorities are the knowledge and expertise on water governance, the regional organization and financing of water management and long-term management and maintenance. The Dutch Water Authority model has its origins in the 13th century. This makes it the oldest form of democratic government in the Netherlands. Each Regional Water Authority collects his own taxes and is run by a board elected by the inhabitants in which every stakeholder has their say.”
The sub title: Crossing Borders
Voice-over: “Dutch Water Authorities shares its expertise aiming at better water management within and outside the national borders. It actively supports the Dutch water sector in its international activities.”
The sub title: Bring in the Dutch
Voice-over: “Dutch Water Authorities can assist in regional water governance wastewater management and recycling as well as integrated water resources management such as climate adaptation and disaster preparedness.”
Voice-over: “Dutch Water Authorities: working on good water governance. You’re welcome!”
The logo: Dutch Water Authorities
Dutch Water Authorities is the international organisation of the regional water authorities in the Netherlands. We want to exchange knowledge and expertise with water management organisations worldwide.