Do you have suggestions, ideas or questions? Are you interested in working with us? We would love to hear from you. Here’s how to contact Dutch Water Authorities.

If you like our approach and would be interested in teaming up with us, as a business or within a Blue Deal partnership, we’d be happy to explain how that works and what the possibilities are. Do not hesitate to contact us for more information.
Visit us
The Dutch regional water authorities work to prevent flooding, ensure good water quality and regulate the water table. We’re keen to show you what we do. International delegations are welcome to come and see dyke reinforcements, innovative wastewater treatment plants, rainwater catchment systems and other projects. Contact us for more information about guided visits to these sites.
If you’re a journalist and have a question about Dutch Water Authorities or the Blue Deal, contact us at Our communications team will get back to you as soon as possible.
+31 (0)70 351 97 51
Head office Dutch Water Authorities
Koningskade 40
2596 AA The Hague
The Netherlands
Postal address
P.O. Box 93218
2509 AE The Hague
The Netherlands