Dutch Water Authorities is working with the National Administration Apele Române on structural solutions for flooding, water scarcity and financing in Romania.
Operational improvements are being trialled in pilot projects, which can then be scaled up to national level.
Specialised workshops in Romania
Specific issues like EU directives, coastal management and surface water management are discussed in specialised workshops, attended by representatives of both the Dutch and the Romanian water sector. The Blue Deal partnership provides scope for intensifying and expanding the programme with new partners and themes.

Dutch Water Authorities and Apele Române work together on various projects in Romania. For example, software has been installed for a Decision Support System and a water management plan has been drawn up for the JIU catchment area. Long-term strategies are also being devised to combat water scarcity and improve stakeholder management.

World Bank cooperation agreement
In 2020 the partnership entered into a cooperation agreement with the World Bank, focusing on flood defence infrastructure. The World Bank is enthusiastic about the way the partnership is strengthening institutional and financial water management in Romania. The World Bank sees such strengthening as necessary for overseeing its infrastructural projects.