NWB Award

Make a catchy film about ‘smart stakeholder collaboration’ in your international water board project, and win the NWB award 2023. The winner will receive a cash prize, a publication and eternal glory on the wall-of-fame in the offices of the Union of Water Boards.

Take part and send your video to the NWB Fund by October 1. This year the NWB award will be presented again: an award from the NWB Fund for the most appealing film about international water board work. Because the water boards do good work, not only in the Netherlands but also abroad. And the world should know that.

The NWB award draws attention to this. Last year, the NWB award was presented for the first time. The theme then was: pride in water. The winner was a film about water hyacinth control in Blesbokspruit, South Africa. This not only improves the water quality, but also turns the green waste into products that local residents use to earn an income. Anyone who saw the video remembered the images of endless expanses of green water hyacinth.

The theme for the 2023 entries is: smart collaboration with stakeholders.

In all international projects, stakeholders play an important role. As polluters and users, as wasters and savers of water. As companies or residents, as governments or NGOs. And every time it is a challenge to involve stakeholders in water management in the right way, taking into account country and culture. This also applies to the Netherlands, by the way, so we can learn something from international projects for our work here.

A professional jury will select a shortlist from all the entries. They will look mainly at whether the film tells a gripping story. Something you keep watching and which you easily and enthusiastically pass on. And, of course, an interesting message about how to work successfully with stakeholders. We require videos of no more than 5 minutes. Amateur films, that is, no professional productions, but a little professional support in editing is allowed.

This spring you can take a film training course via the Blue Deal program bureau to increase your chances. Finally, all employees of water boards may choose the winner from the nominated films via a digital vote. Instructions will follow in due course by email. In this way, the “wisdom of the crowd” will be harnessed and the videos will get more attention in their own sector.

Like last year, the award ceremony will take place during the annual Dutch Water Authorities network day on Nov. 23. The winner will receive a cash prize of 5000 euro for the winning project, a picture on the Wall of Fame in the office of the Union of Water Authorities in The Hague and a publication in magazine Het Waterschap.

Participate? You can submit a video until October 25 at the latest via the link below. Please contact the NWB Fund program office (through program manager Marion Wierda, mwierda@uvw.nl) for questions.

NWB-Award 2023

Enter if you are entering as a company or organization

Your entry

Describe your project and motivation as detailed as possible.
This can either be youtube, vimeo or a private url as long as it is available to the public.
Accepted file types: mp4, Max. file size: 128 MB.
If your video is under 128MB and of the mp4 type you may also upload the video directly.