Strategic alliance for saving water in the Chira valley – Piura, Peru  

Organization: Blue Deal Peru Project - Chira-Piura Water Council

In Piura, in the northern region of Peru, in the Chira valley, Lesly Alberca, a young professional, is conducting research to determine the optimal water volume for rice cultivation.

Relevant actors

This applied research is an initiative of the Chira-Piura Water Council, within the collaborative framework of Blue Deal Peru project, and brings together the relevant actors for water management in the region: the Chira Water Users Association, the National Institute of Agrarian Innovations (INIA), and the National University of Piura.

Strengthened water governance

The cooperation of these key stakeholders enhances research, such as Lesly’s work on water conservation, bridges the gap between current water usage and decision-making, and, above all, strengthens water governance in the region.