2 Young Experts (Yeppers) Aurora Mija and Edin Dávila from Blue Deal Peru participated in the 10th World Water Forum in Indonesia. Mija was also as representative of the World Youth Parliament for Water, after being selected from 650 young professionals worldwide.

Mija and Dávila work as Yeppers for the Blue Deal at the Water Resource Councils of the National Water Authority ANA in Piura and Tumbes.
The 2 young professionals shared Blue Deal initiatives on water governance, climate adaptation and social inclusion in 4 sessions at the forum. They discussed the importance of including local communities in decision-making, the alignment between water systems conservation and carbon credits generation for boosting local economies. They also talked about the exchange of experiences on transboundary water management between and the advantage of information systems that are locally generated for decision-making.
The information and inspiration they received during the forum will be shared with the Peruvian colleagues in their regions and the Blue Deal teams.