Marieke van Nood new Programme Manager Blue Deal

On 1 October, Marieke van Nood started as the new Programme Manager for the Blue Deal. Van Nood has extensive knowledge and experience in working internationally within the water sector. In the past years, she also gained experience with the Blue Deal, working for several Blue Deal partnerships as Regional Director East Africa and Asia for World Waternet.

This is what Marieke says about the Blue Deal:

“Over the past 6 years during my work at World Waternet, I have often been proud of my water colleagues when they showed solutions for sustainable water management. In Kenya, it turned out that the private sector was very keen to help the water authority with their tasks and with funds for that. In Ethiopia, operational training proved to be enough to actually start using donated vacuum trucks. Small interventions, but with a huge impact.”

Missing piece of the puzzle

“Strong water organisations are often the missing piece of the puzzle in sustainable water management. And the Dutch water authorities enable strengthening these organisations with the Blue Deal programme. That’s why I’m so excited to lead the Blue Deal programme on the way to 2030! The Blue Deal opens doors.”

Human relationships

“The human relationships make the Blue Deal programme unique. I look forward to meeting everyone who makes the work of the 17 partnerships possible. And to hear what is on your minds and where you see opportunities.”

Increased collaboration

“Strengthening public water organisations in our partner countries is increasingly seen as that missing piece of the puzzle by other major players in the water field. Increased collaboration with these partners is a huge opportunity for the Blue Deal programme. Together with the programme office and the 17 partnerships, I am committed to this increased collaboration in the coming years.”

Meet the team

Want to get in touch with Marieke van Nood or one of the other members of the team? Reach out to Or get in touch with one of the individual members of the Programme Office: